In Tidal Cove, a wealthy coastal town with deep secrets, Selene is rebuilding her life by catering to the elite. When reporter Lexi uncovers a mysterious note at a party, it leads her to investigate Tidal Cove’s shady past, seeking a story that will revive her career after her divorce.
Selene is used to being invisible at these events, but when she meets Reginald Montgomery, the town’s powerful figure, she finds herself noticed. Reg seems charming, but there’s an air of mystery around him. Meanwhile, Lexi, sensing something darker beneath Tidal Cove’s shiny surface, discovers a cryptic note pointing to hidden truths at the Montgomery estate.
As Lexi digs deeper, she corners Selene, asking for help in exposing Reg’s secrets. Selene is torn, but ultimately, she sneaks into Reg’s estate and uncovers a ledger filled with corruption—bribes, land deals, and the truth behind the town’s prosperity. Reg confronts her, defending his actions as necessary for the greater good, but Selene, disgusted, hands the ledger to Lexi.
Lexi’s exposé rocks the town, destroying Reg’s empire. He is abandoned by his business partners and fades into obscurity, while Lexi gains national attention. In the aftermath, Selene opens a café, finally finding her place in the community. Tidal Cove is no longer the perfect, pristine town it once was—but Selene feels empowered and seen, a part of the change that came from exposing the truth.
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